JD Junior Execution Officer (full-time, Bucuresti)

Intocmirea calculatiilor conform preturilor negociate in vederea facturarii;

Intocmirea contractelor de achizitie si/sau de transport, verificarea firmelor partenere;

Avizarea camioanelor de transport catre clienti/ operatori portuari si/sau firmele de survey;

Intocmirea facturilor de marfa si de transport, verificarea documentatiei din spatele acestora (scrisoare CMR, tichet cantar si aviz de expeditie marfa, fise de calitate, etc);

Informarea birourilor Comercial/ Executie/ Logistica despre situatia zilnica a marfurilor incarcate, in proces de incarcare si/sau descarcare, stocuri;

Colaboreaza si ofera suport pentru departamentul de achizitii prin intocmirea rapoartelor zilnice;

Lucreaza zilnic in Excel pentru verificare stocuri, emitere calculatii, facturi, rapoarte (minim cunoasterea formulelor Vlookup, SUMIF, COUNTIF, PIVOT).


Absolvent studii superioare/sau an terminal licenta, de preferat profil economic;
Cunoasterea unei limbi straine la nivel conversational: engleza, franceza ;
Cunostinte PC: Microsoft Office Excel, Word;
Cunostinte si/sau experienta in domeniul achizitii, logistica, executie contracte, executia transporturilor de marfuri (reprezinta un plus);
Cunostinte despre produse, indicatori de calitate, interes domeniul agricol (reprezinta un plus);
Gandire analitica;

Abilitati bune de comunicare;

Persoana dinamica ;

Experienta in achizitii/ executie de cereale (reprezinta un plus).

Despre Norba Grains

With over a decade of experience working alongside top agriculture traders, Norba Grains team is committed to building the leading Romanian-owned trading house. Our goal is to deliver fair solutions that benefit both to sellers and buyers, as we recognize that agriculture is vital to our communities.

At the heart of our approach is the passion for creating win-win solutions. Thus, we approach each new opportunity in a professional and responsible manner, leveraging our expertise to work through the core problems faced by farmers and reset the rules of grain trading.  

To achieve our goals, we understand the importance of building trusting, long-term relationships with farmers. By providing support and access to resources, we are helping farmers surpass their limit and expectations, while also ensuring that each farmer receives fair compensation for their hard work or pays the correct cost for their business.

Our team believes that by focusing on these principles of trust, fairness, and expertise, we can create a brighter future for the agricultural industry and the communities it serves. Partner with us as we work towards building a better, more sustainable future for everyone.


Pachet de remuneratie ofertant ;

Bonusuri de performanta ;

Mediu de lucru flexibil in cadrul unei echipe dinamice;

Oportunitatea de a lucra cu clienti de top ;

Oportunitate de dezvoltare continua ;

Programe de dezvoltare a carierei pe termen lung.

Persoana de contact

Adrian Popescu
